Order EPIC Credits

The EPIC is an efficient way to electronically deliver all of the Wiley Profiles and give the system administrator control and access to issue passcodes and links.

You will need an EPIC account (Free with the purchase of 250 or more credits).

After your account is set up you will be able to order an inventory of EPIC credits from which to produce reports.


Click on the quantity/price to order through our secure order form:

100 (Minimum order) = $600.00

250 = $1,500.00(SAVE 5%)

500 = $2,700.00 (SAVE 10%)

1,000 = $5,100.00 (SAVE 15%)

Prices shown are effective July 1, 2024.

Prices are subject to change when Wiley announces a change.

To Order More than 1000 EPIC Credits or for support:

Call: 919-439-5811 or Email: Bob@Effectiveness.com